Friday, 10 June 2011

My website is launched!
It's not completely finished, but there's some of my favourite work, so please go and have a look:)
Ideally I'd love to make a non-flash one, with my own drawing as the menu,
but due to technical problems I'll have to stick with this one for now...

Second Year

Some photos from the private views of 57 Protagonists and this year's Pop Up Shop:)

My work.

My Books for Pop Up Shop

What I bought:)

Thanks to everyone who came to our shows!
57 Protagonists is gonna be up until Saturday, and Pop Up Shop tomorrow (Friday)!
Please go and have a look if you haven't had the chance yet!
You'll be impressed:)

Thursday, 2 June 2011


Made my first business cards:)

Was gonna get them printed outside for tomorrow's show but ended up printing them in my room.

Not only have I saved £45, I actually really like these homemade business cards!
I like the textures, the variety of colours and the homemade feel to them, which would not have been achieved had I had them printed professionally.

Some colours aren't working as well as the others, but in general I am very happy with them!
Yes it took me roughly 2 hours to produce 60+ cards, but it was totally worth it.

Private view of the second year illustration show tomorrow at the SW1 Gallery.
57 Protagonists.
It happened that the number of my ready-to-give-out cards is 57 as well.

Exhibits done, business cards sorted. Almost there!

It's gonna be a good show:)